Data Security
Virus & Threat Protection
Our full-featured, business class antivirus suite offers protection in several forms. A file shield that scans your existing files for threats. A behavior shield that monitors and protects your system in real-time. A web shield to protect you from malicious websites and a mail shield that scans your email clients like Outlook for malicious attachments.
Remote Monitoring & Management
Are your computers performing well? Are they running low on hard drive space or memory? Are they overheating or running slowly? Our Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) tools allows us to view important metrics about your devices and receive alerts when concerning events happen so we can let you know before the problem gets worse.
Geeks Help Desk
Geeks Help Desk is a combination of our Virus & Threat Protection and Remote Monitoring & Management platforms. We can monitor the health of your hardware remotely and also protect your computers from viruses, malware, spyware, and ransomware. By bundling these two services into one product, you receive the best of both worlds when it comes monitoring the health of your devices and protecting them from threats.
Workstation & Server Backup
Do you backup your important files to prevent data loss? Imagine if your computer or server became the victim of ransomware, hardware failure, natural disaster, accident, or theft.
How long would it take you to restore your data and resume business as usual? How much would it cost your business if it was not able to operate for days or weeks because of a ransomware attack?
We offer a variety of business continuity and disaster recovery solutions. From file backups of workstations to full image backups of servers, virtual machines, and workstations. We have options for local storage and cloud storage in order to make sure your data is safe.
Network Storage
In need of a network storage solution? Want to be able to share your files locally in the office and access them via the Internet? Need to restrict access to specific data based on the principle of least privilege? We can help pick out a NAS (network attached storage) device that fits your business and get it set up in no time. NAS devices are also useful for backing up data locally so they go hand-in-hand with our backup services.
Complete Antivirus Suite
Remote System Monitoring
Email Encryption
Facility Security